NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) Certification Exam Preparation Practice Test and Mock Test with 1500-Question Bank, including 10 Case Studies & Case Based Questions

  • Prepare for your NISM-Series-X-A Investment Adviser certification with confidence using our comprehensive practice tests and mock exams.

Learners Enrolled : 1

Created by Gurukul On Road

  • English

About the course

This course is designed to prepare candidates for the NISM-Series-X-A: Investment Adviser (Level 1) certification exam. It includes a comprehensive 1500-question bank, featuring 10 case studies and case-based questions to help students familiarize themselves with the exam format and content. The practice tests and mock exams provided in this course aim to enhance participants' confidence and performance on the actual certification exam.

Key Highlights:

  • Mock Test: This online mock test comes with 1500+ question bank which includes 1400+ Module with questions and 100+ Case Based Questions from given 10 Case Studies

Mock Test Modules and Chapters:

  1. Personal Financial Planning

    • Chapter 1: Introduction to Personal Financial Planning
    • Chapter 2: Time Value of Money
    • Chapter 3: Evaluating the Financial Position of Clients
    • Chapter 4: Debt Management and Loans
  2. Indian Financial Markets

    • Chapter 5: Introduction to the Indian Financial Markets
    • Chapter 6: Securities Market Segments
  3. Investment Products

    • Chapter 7: Introduction to Investment
    • Chapter 8: Investing in Stocks
    • Chapter 9: Investing in Fixed Income Securities
    • Chapter 10: Understanding Derivatives
  4. Investment Through Managed Portfolio

    • Chapter 11: Mutual Funds
    • Chapter 12: Portfolio Manager
    • Chapter 13: Overview of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs)
  5. Portfolio Construction, Performance Monitoring, and Evaluation

    • Chapter 14: Introduction to Modern Portfolio Theory
    • Chapter 15: Portfolio Construction Process
    • Chapter 16: Portfolio Performance Measurement and Evaluation
  6. Operations, Regulatory Environment, Compliance & Ethics

    • Chapter 17: Operational Aspects of Investment Management
    • Chapter 18: Key Regulations
    • Chapter 19: Ethical Issues
    • Chapter 20: Grievance Redress Mechanism

Reference Material:

  • NISM Workbook Version: August 2023 edition used as a reference.

Course Curriculum

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