NISM-Series-VII Securities Operations and Risk Management (SORM) Exam Preparation Mock Test & Practice Test

  • NISM-Series-VII Securities Operations and Risk Management Exam Preparation Mock Test & Practice Test

Created by Gurukul On Road

  • English

About the course

Prepare effectively for the NISM Series VII Securities Operations and Risk Management exam with this comprehensive mock test and practice test course. Test your knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and boost your confidence before the actual exam. Elevate your preparation with our comprehensive online mock test and practice test, designed to ensure your success!

Key Features:

  • Extensive Question Bank: Access over 550+ meticulously crafted questions covering all test objectives and learning outcomes outlined by NISM, ensuring you grasp every essential concept.

  • In-Depth Topic Coverage: Dive deep into crucial topics, gaining a thorough understanding of the core subjects required for the exam.

  • Bonus Mock Test on Code of Conduct for Stockbrokers: Enhance your knowledge with an additional mock test focused specifically on the Code of Conduct for Stockbrokers, a vital area for the exam.

  • Real Exam Simulation: Experience the pressure and timing of the real exam with our comprehensive mock test, designed to mirror the actual exam environment.

  • Detailed Answer Explanations: Learn from your mistakes with detailed explanations for each answer, helping you understand the reasoning behind each correct choice.

  • Knowledge Area Analysis: Identify your weak areas with our knowledge area breakdown for each question, allowing you to focus your study efforts where they are needed most.

Enroll now and take the first step towards mastering the NISM-Series-VII Securities Operations and Risk Management Exam. With our extensive resources and thorough preparation tools, you’ll be well-equipped to achieve your certification and advance your career in securities operations and risk management.

Course Curriculum

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Live learning

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Structured learning

Our curriculum is designed by experts to make sure you get the best learning experience.

Community & Networking

Interact and network with like-minded folks from various backgrounds in exclusive chat groups.

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Practice tests

With the quizzes and live tests practice what you learned, and track your class performance.

Get certified

Flaunt your skills with course certificates. You can showcase the certificates on LinkedIn with a click.


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