NISM Series II A Registrars to an Issue & Share Transfer Agents - Corporate Exam Practice Test & Mock Test with 1000+ Question Bank

  • Prepare thoroughly for the NISM Series II Exam with this comprehensive practice test and mock test course!

Created by Gurukul On Road

  • English

About the course

NISM Exam Preparation- Series II A Registrars to an Issue & Share Transfer Agents - Corporate Exam Mock Test with 1000+ Question Bank 

Prepare effectively for the NISM Series II A exam with our comprehensive mock test designed specifically for aspiring Registrars to an Issue & Share Transfer Agents. This mock test is meticulously crafted to help you master all the test objectives and learning outcomes outlined by NISM, ensuring you are well-prepared and confident on exam day.

Key Highlight:

  • Access over 1000 questions that comprehensively cover all the test objectives and learning outcomes outlined by NISM.
  • Each question is accompanied by a detailed answer explanation, helping you understand the reasoning behind the correct answers
  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses with knowledge assessments provided for each question
  • Chapter-Based Questions: Questions are categorized by chapter numbers to help you recall relevant concepts and retain information more effectively.
  • Enhance your preparation with 50 additional bonus questions on key financial market abbreviations specific to the Registrars to an Issue & Share Transfer Agents job role

Chapters Covered:

  1. Introduction to Securities
  2. Characteristics of Equity Shares
  3. Characteristics of Debt Securities
  4. Characteristics of Other Securities
  5. Basics of Mutual Funds
  6. SEBI - Role and Regulations
  7. Public Offer of Securities
  8. Modes of allotment of shares other than Public Offers
  9. Processes related to Public Offering of Shares
  10. Roles and Responsibilities in a Public Issue
  11. Depository Services
  12. Processes Related to Depositories
  13. Investor Interface with the R&T Agent
  14. Secondary Market Transactions
  15. Client Servicing

Course Curriculum

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